Kinesiology Tape 

Kinesiology tape has become a common treatment method over the past several years in both athletes and the general public. It increased in popularity after the 2012 London Summer Olympics although it has been around since the 1970’s.

Kinesiology tape exerts is effects through the skin and underlying tissues, including fascia. These tissues relay messages to the brain, which then influences pain and movement patterns.

Kinesiology tape is thin (roughly the thickness of the epidermis of the skin) and flexible, and unlike stronger tape it is not designed to mechanically stop motion or movement. Instead, kinesiology tape affects the nervous system and affects movement through changes in proprioception (the brain’s awareness of the position and movement of the body).

There are many different taping patterns available for the joints, muscles, and movement patterns, and the best outcomes occur when tape is used in conjunction with active treatments in order to optimize movement. Kinesiology tape has been used in the treatment of various conditions, including back pain, tennis elbow, runner’s knee, patellofemoral pain syndrome, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff strains, and many more.

Dr. Duncan is RockTape certified and uses tape in the treatment of patients who are in pain, as well as to improve performance and influence movement patterns in athletes.

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